
The introduction.

I'm never good at introductions. Always too much or not enough. Either way I leave thinking I could've made a better impression. Let's start with my name! I'm Rachel. This is one of many attempts to start a blog but I think this one will stick. I technically started this particular blog in 2013 and stopped after 5 posts. I just didn't feel like I had anything "good" to say and it's always a bummer when you see the single digit view count on each post. And half of them are you checking the post to make sure you didn't have any typos. But screw it this time! I'm writing for my own damn self. I deleted all my old posts and I'm starting fresh. So, this blog will be about anything and everything in my life. I don't want to label myself to a certain category. I want the freedom of posting a recipe or makeup review or just a rant. And not on a "I'll post every Monday" schedule either. I'll post when I feel like it in a semi-regular fashion. Haha

A quick "about me" to start with: I'm 23 and from Oregon. I'm currently a stay-at-home daughter. No, I don't just sit on the couch everyday freeloading off my parents. I had some private family dilemmas happen over this past year or so and it's worked out for my parents and I that I stay at home with them to help them out with various things. I'm extremely lucky in that regard. I constantly thank my parents for being so understanding and cool about me not having a 9-5. That's a huge reason I created this blog actually. Because I'm home... a lot. Haha And I'm not locked down to a 9-5 job so it frees up my time. This is basically a creative outlet for me.  

So that's it! Intro done. To anyone reading this and wants to continue with me on this little blogging journey, hello and thank you for reading! Let's make this fun!


Do you tweet? I tweet!

Do you post hipster-y pictures of your dog? Me too!
Instagram: MapleBaconRae 

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